
It has become one of the most powerful daily activities practiced and carried out by all peoples around the world, where many resort to electronic stores as a primary destination for them to obtain all their needs and shortcomings, starting from the basic requirements of food, drink and clothing, and the end of the luxuries that extinguish the entertainment in our lives. The growing trend towards online shopping justifies the popularity of e-commerce around the world and its prediction is the forefront of all commercial activities and global industries, where online shopping is the basis for the establishment and emergence of e-commerce and the spread of various electronic stores that provide a large and different set of products that meet all the needs of shoppers around the world.


What are e-commerce sites?

E-commerce sites are the sites that allow their visitors to buy the goods they need. These sites offer the goods online and deliver them to the buyer at the place he selects. The popularity of online shopping continues to grow among users, studies show that in 2017, 29% shop online daily. 36% of them are between the ages of 18: 24 years and about 13% are over the age of 55. The reasons why they shop online are that they find the goods they desire cheaper than regular stores. They also wander between electronic stores to choose the goods that are suitable for them more easily and more comfortably than if they wander between the shops in different streets, this is more difficult and more effortless. In order for buyers to complete the purchase, their website must be trusted. They also read through social media on past experiences of other buyers. And who previously dealt with the same e-shopping sites, also 80% of Middle Eastern buyers prefer to pay in cash when receiving the item.

Payment methods through e-shopping sites ...?

Payment on the receipt is one of the most important advantages of online shopping and e-commerce in general, which recently many online sales sites and electronic stores have recently started to provide as one of the payment methods available to all customers and shoppers on their stores, due to the high marketing and purchasing value that this property carries.

Paying online is also one of the most important factors that have played an effective and significant role in the spread of e-commerce on a larger scale around the world in the recent period, as this feature has succeeded in breaking down the concerns of many shoppers related to fraud, fraud, and penetration related to e-commerce operations...


It is worth noting that we note that everyone has come to view e-commerce as one of the best ways to make a profit through the Internet around the world, in the event that a professional e-store is launched that can employ all the advantages of e-commerce. Billionaire owner Jeff Bezos is perhaps the best proof of the profitable value of e-commerce, as Bezos has been named the world's richest man in 2019.

The trend of individuals towards online shopping is constantly increasing, and online shopping has begun to take its position as one of the widespread activities that are going to rise in the forefront in the recent period, which justifies the widespread and booming e-commerce in general in recent times, and after a very short time of Its starting.

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Programming and designing websites